For Social/Political Organizations

To create change in the community, you must first create change in the brain. Discover the neurology of transformation.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.” – Abraham Lincoln




For more information on how to create behavioral change and mindshift in large numbers of people please see Creating Behavioral Change Video…



The Polarization of the 21st Century
The 21st century is experiencing a polarization of beliefs. Social and political organizations struggle mightily in their efforts to get people to change their minds and their behaviors.

Once you understand what must happen in a person’s brain before he will change his point of view or his actions, the easier it is to design programs that will effect those changes.

By understanding how to turn on the Learning Code, social and political organizations can profoundly impact mind shifts and behavioral change.


While all 32 elements of the Learning Code are important, the ones below are especially relevant in helping social/political organizations change the thought patterns and behaviors of affinity groups.

What Is Learning?

Discover specifically what you need to make happen in the brain of others in order to alter beliefs, create profound learning and produce sustained behavioral change. Find out more…

Six and a Half Billion Intelligences – Not One

Genetic variation builds unique brains, ensuring that none of the 6.5 billion people on earth will ever learn in exactly the same way. This Element explains how and why each member of the group you want to influence has acquired a mode of learning that is totally unique. Find out more…

The 11 Biological Intelligences

While at first, the task of developing learning systems for 6.5 billion people, all with different neurological structures may seem overwhelming, it is made much less complicated by recognizing that, while human brain plans dramatically vary in detail, they all fit into a limited number of general designs. In this Element, you will learn about the 11 biological intelligences, how to identify them and which one a person most favors. Some affinity groups may prefer some of these biological intelligences more than others. Find out more…

We Learn Through Selection Not Instruction

To anyone who has passed though our educational system, the title of this Element seems outrageous. Yet we are discovering from the worlds of neuroscience, biology and genetics that our observations are wrong. Science is now allowing us to realize for the first time that Aristotle and Plato were off the mark. Members of your target group do not learn by being instructed by you; they learn through a unique selective process. Find out more…

Environment Is Everything to Increasing Your Adaptability/ Intelligence Factor

The environment is all powerful in the process of building and shaping the genetic and neurological structures that are the wellspring of all our thoughts and behaviors. Your biology can only select what the environment presents – the good as well as the bad!

This Element demonstrates why the environment created by your organization has so much impact on the learning and behaviors of the individuals you want to influence. Find out more…

Meaning – the Holy Grail of Learning

In this Element, we will focus on one of the main tenets of the Learning Code: There is no learning without meaning. Here we will see through the eyes of science what we have intuitively known: We remember what is meaningful to us and forget almost everything else. Personal meaning is the holy grail of learning, memory and behavioral change because it is the primary key to unlocking the Learning Code. If you fail to access personal meaning in the individuals you want to impact, you will fail to influence them. Find out more…

“No Meaning, No Learning”: The Meaning Network

In this Element, we find that before new information can be efficiently selected into our long-term memory banks, it must first stimulate a group of neurological structures called the “Meaning Network.” For the most part institutions and organizations fail to alter thinking patterns, create profound learning or sustained behavioral change because they fail to target this group of structures. Find out more…

No Learning Without Emotion

As the 21st century dawns, neuroscience informs us that our emotions are not frivolous luxuries in which we indulge ourselves, nor interlopers in the process of rational thought, but instead are the primary organizing factors upon which consciousness, reason and memory are built. Without emotional marking in the group you want to influence, there can be little or no learning or behavior change. Find out more…

“In Time Of Profound Change, The Learners Inherit The Earth, While The Learned Find Themselves Beautifully Equipped To Deal With A World That No Longer Exists.”
Al Rogers

The Motivational Problem

We are now finding that the authoritarian carrot-and-stick approach to learning and behavioral change, which dominates virtually every institution in the world, may itself be a major inhibitor of the learning process. In this Element we learn how and why internal motivation is far superior to external motivation in producing both long-term memory and behavioral change. Find out more…

The Power of Concepts Over Details

Most of us are not very good at thinking or remembering details, not because we are stupid, lazy, or have inefficient brains, but because our brains have not been developed by evolution to emphasize isolated facts. The brains of the individuals in the group you want to influence were designed to learn concepts before they learned details. Because of this fact, any system of influence that emphasizes detail acquisition over concept formation will be one in conflict with how the brain naturally processes and encodes information. Find out more…

Associative Learning – the Power of Simultaneous Neural Firing

Discover why your message must create simultaneous neural firing (the firing of many neurons at the same time) in the brains of members of affinity groups in order to produce associative learning, concept formation, metaphor construction, intuition, creativity and behavioral change. Find out more…

Why Humans Are Such Copycats

Why did you pick out that shirt or blouse you have on? Why did you buy those particular shoes? How about that belt or watch you have on – what made you choose those? For that matter, why do you yawn when you see others yawning or feel sad around depressed people? We now have the answer. We imitate because we have genes and neurons that compels us to mimic one another – the good and the bad! Any organization that wants to have influence over others must understand the power of imitation. Find out more…

Memory Is Not an Event: The Four Stages of Learning

In this Element, we find that learning is not an event but a process. You do not form a memory in one fell swoop. In order to learn, your brain must go through four distinct stages of the learning process. Here you will find out what the four stages are and how to access them so that you may accelerate the speed of learning and behavioral change in those you want to impact. In this Element we focus on the first three stages of the learning process. Find out more…

The Cycle of Transformation

This Element explains that a brain must go through a cycle of transformation before it can reach higher-ordered mental states. Before a brain can reach these more-evolved states it must pass through a phase of chaos, which is often perceived as confusion. It is when our brain exits this chaotic stage that we experience the “aha” revelation moments in our lives. These moments transform our thoughts and behaviors. Find out more…

Why No Restrictions?

We have been asked why we make this information available to all social/political organizations without restriction. The reason is that, to get people to effectively change their thought patterns, their Meaning Networks must first be accessed. This means those who want to effectively influence others must first spend a substantial amount of time and effort trying to understand those they want to change. In the end, this enhanced understanding leads to reduced levels of conflict.